A maternity photo of a masculine-presenting person holding the pregnant stomach of a fat feminine-presenting person. They are both Black and standing in front of flowering red tree.

Supporting you to speak & listen differently so you can have the conversations you want to have.

The relationships that matter most to you have a significant impact on your life.

Our sex-positive, pleasure-centric relationship counsellors specialize in supporting couples (as well as triads and non-traditional relationship styles) to improve communication, gain clarity, and to move towards a future that invites more happiness and less distress.

We help create the conditions for you to hear each other and to be heard, so that you can find a way forward.

If you’re worried about what it means to enter relationship counseling, you’re not alone! Asking for help takes courage. And the sooner you ask for help, the more likely it is that things can change.

a place to feel supported

It can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’re here.

A secret about couples counselling…

Most people come to couples counselling wanting to learn a few new skills and be on their way. The truth is… this is about so much more than skills. If it was just about skills, you’d have figured it out by now – friends, family, books, magazines, TikTok videos – there’s no shortage of how-to’s and skills to practice. While skills are a part of this, what leads to lasting change is tending to each other in whole new ways (don’t worry – we’re with you every step of the way).

Reasons people often seek couples counseling

A speech bubble with squiggly lines inside it.

Improving Communication

Feeling heard and understood is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. We can help you learn how to navigate conflict and level up your skills so that each of you feels more confident about sharing and listening.

Tan outline of a leaf

Life Transitions

Big transitions can be exciting but also a huge source of stress for a relationship – things like having a baby, caring for an elderly parent, a big move, transitioning genders, & more. We can help you face these changes as an ‘us’ instead of a ‘you vs me’.

Outline of a bow and arrow

Mismatched Libido & Desire

Struggling with low sexual desire or mismatched desire is one of THE most common issues we see as relationship counsellors. We’re here to help you discover more nourishing, playful, and pleasurable ways to reconnect with the erotic.

Brown outline of a magical flask

Skill Building

From a little support around a single issue to completely shifting how you speak with each other, set boundaries, and express feelings, we can help you build skills while also tending to the deeper needs at play.

outline of a white candle

Infidelity or Trust Issues

Trust can be shattered in an instant, and while rebuilding trust is possible, it is a slow, complex journey. While you cannot go back to how things were before, it is possible to build an even stronger relationship looking ahead.

tan outline of a leaf

Feeling Stuck or Like There Must Be More

Stagnation, frustration, resentment, and exhaustion are signs that a relationship is need of a tune-up. And if you feel lonely in your relationship, it’s time to make a change.

69% of relationship conflicts are unsolvable.*

Did you know… 69%* of relationship conflicts are unresolvable?

Skillful relationships are less about “solving” problems and more about learning how to reconnect when conflicts arise. The good news is conflict can become something that strengthens your relationship instead of eroding it.

*Based on research by The Gottman Institute.

A feminine-presenting Asian person and a masculine-presenting Asian person are both holding a conch in their hands.

“It is only with risk that we find the kinds of relationships we are seeking. It is only when we are willing to put our hearts on the line that we begin finding the people able to hold space for us.”

Heather Plett, The Art of Holding Space