Welcome to our Fat Mental Health directory. This directory is dedicated to connecting people with therapists, counsellors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals who understand the unique experiences of navigating life in a bigger body.
This diverse network of therapists have each pledged committed to providing fat-inclusive compassionate care, free from judgment and weight stigma.
We are not affiliated with the providers listed in this directory and cannot vouch for the quality of care they provide. Each provider is responsible for adhering to the regulations and ethical codes of their licensing or governing bodies based on where they practice. We strongly encourage you to do your due diligence and to specifically inquire about a provider’s credentials, experience, education, and values prior to working with them to ensure a safe and ethical match for your needs.
Take the step towards finding mental health support that gets you today.
Instructions: You can browse through the Providers below. Clicking a Provider’s photo will take you to their full profile. Importantly, you can filter which profiles are shown by clicking one or more checkboxes. The page will auto-refresh after each choice. Note: If a provider is licensed in multiple jurisdictions, their profile will appear in the search results even if their main location doesn’t exactly match your search.
Note: If you are unfamiliar with the following categories, please visit this resource to learn more. Also, we use ‘superfat’ and ‘large fat’ interchangeably as that is the language most familiar to much of T&C’s community.
You too can join this amazing resource!
The button below will take you to our Provider Submission Form. Fill out your details, agree to our Statement of Values, and after we verify your submitted responses we will add you to this list of trusted providers.