You matter, and you don’t have to figure it out alone.

We believe that healing is a collective project – what supports the individual to return home to themselves supports the family, community, and world. Too many of us feel like we are the problem.

At Tend and Cultivate Counselling, we know that you are impacted by the relationships, culture, and systems you’re a part of.

You do not operate in a vacuum, separate from the world. You inherited stories, beliefs, traumas, and traditions that impact how you think about yourself and the world.

You deserve affirming, radical care that honors the context of your life. Our job is to join you in the journey towards healing, liberation, and joy.

A fat feminine-presenting person is sitting outside writing in a small journal. They have a red scarf, a white jacket, blue pants, and red boots.
in case you’re wondering

We can support you with…

  • Internalized fatphobia
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Trauma
  • Complex PTSD
  • Healing from being a parentified child
  • People pleasing
  • Body shame/body image
  • Sexual trauma
  • Overwhelm/burn-out
  • Relationship dissatisfaction
  • Pleasure
  • Figuring out what you want
  • Communicating your needs
  • Boundary work
  • Body changes
  • Medical anti-fat bias
  • Low desire/libido
  • Gender identity
  • Life transitions/changes
  • Self-esteem
  • Disordered eating
  • Atypical anorexia/orthorexia
  • Breaking up with diet culture
  • Cultivating body trust
  • Grief and loss
  • Neurodivergence
  • Growth and achieving goals

This work is intimate. It is personal. It is deep.

That’s why finding body-affirming, gender-affirming, life-affirming care matters so much. We work with our clients to gently and compassionately support you in practicing your way into greater self-trust, body trust, pleasure, clarity, and permission to be you.

how our counselling is different

Centering you means…

Pairing evidence-based approaches with lived experience & curiosity

The field of mental health has a problem – too often large agencies and firms prioritize profits over people, protocol over relationship, checklists over emergence. This means many people receive the same series of treatments regardless of their culture, history, experiences, interests, and needs. We take a more radical approach to therapy – we learn evidence-based modalities alongside practices that invite creativity, collaboration, and change so that you receive the most personalized, integrative care.

Deciding together what language & pace works for you

Many therapists decide ahead of time that a client “should” be “done” within 8, 10, or 12 sessions. We have had many clients share that in their search for a therapist they’ve been rushed towards a conclusion even if they needed more support. And some therapists don’t realize how scary and alienating it can be to attach a diagnosis to a person, particularly if that person needs to access government services down the road. The language that makes you feel most empowered at a pace that serves your long-term goal is what we prioritize.

Finding ways to make therapy fun, playful, interesting, and impactful

If you search for stock images of therapy or counselling, you’ll see a cascade of pictures featuring upset, crying, stressed out, and lonely people. Too often we think of healing work as difficult, painful, confronting and exhausting. And sometimes it may be, but we know first hand that it can also be filled with curiosity, surprises, creativity, laughter, pleasure, ease, and nourishment. We reject the edict to “try harder”. Instead we embrace “try easier” – because healing is often much less about the doing and far more about allowing and being.